Thanks for checking out Skin Potion Naturals!
With a current epidemic of skin problems, I’m driven to craft time-tested products that nourish and help heal your skin with the most effective and affordable natural ingredients. My goal is to leave you feeling quite literally comfortable and happy in your own skin. Hence, our motto “Healthy skin, happy skin”.

our story
Rewind to 2012- I learned how to make soap because I couldn’t find a body cleanser that didn’t *completely* dry out my skin, causing me to slather copious amounts of chemical-laden lotion (further drying out my skin). I thought something was wrong with me until I started researching the ingredients and discovered what a bunch of garbage is in ALL commercial body products!
(I’ve always had an interest in natural products, essential oils and herbalism, so naturally, this led to making my own handmade solutions.)
My skin never felt so good! My soap stash quickly grew and I realized I could make a few bucks selling the extra to friends, because surely, they were having similar complaints.
Over the next two years, I popped out two kids, so my focus became how to make body products that were so pure and gentle, they were suitable for babies and eco-friendly as a bonus. (My daughter had eczema quite badly!)
All of our #primoskinpotions are free from harmful chemicals such as sodium laurel sulfate, parabens, phthalates, petroleum by-products and artificial coloring/preservatives.
We make soap the “old-fashioned way” using the cold-process method to preserve the naturally occurring glycerine which adds a gentle quality to the soap to hydrate your skin. We also “superfat” our soap, meaning we add extra oils to moisturize and we never use “melt and pour” methods, which do little for your skin because they usually contains drying surfectants.
All of our products are made in small batches with love and attention to detail. My family personally uses every product we produce. Many of the formulations have gone through rigorous trial and error after tons research to make it better than competitors in every way- ingredients, texture, scent, quality, price. Many of our products have multiple uses, such as our Skin Medic+, which can help speed healing in anything from eczema, to nipple balm and hemorrhoids (TMI?), which simplifies your life, medicine cabinet and spending.
We’re proud to share our glowing testimonials on each of the product pages. If you’ve tried our products, please consider sharing your thoughts there as well because it helps other customers decide. ♥
Thanks for checking us out and if you have questions, please get in touch with us any time at sk****************@gm***.com.