A shocking ultra-gentle & effective face cleanser

Do you like wasting skin serums and moisturizers? If yes, stop reading. If no, read on- because here, we’re celebrating CLAY!

Clays powders are completely natural. While there are SO many chemicals that achieve these same functions, why not keep it simple and pure? Here’s a short list of the benefits of Clays and why you should be doing a weekly face mask:

– Clay naturally exfoliates old and dead cells for more thorough uptake of skin serums and moisturizers into younger cells below= thereby maximizing the effectiveness of those expensive purchases! leaves you with instantly softer, smoother skin

– Skin GLOWS from the younger cells revealed. Exfoliation speeds up cell regeneration, growing new cells faster. Silica and nutrient content helps promote cell-turnover, keeping those new cells coming. This, in turn, helps repair and prevent further aging.

– Draws out bacteria and impurities your skin stores from makeup, junk ingredients in cleansers and moisturizers (waxes, preservatives, unnecessary chemicals, etc)

– Absorbs excess oil if you have oily skin and as a low pH, which is beneficial for balancing skin tone

– Clay’s natural molecular charge is very efficient at attracting its opposite, which is what pull toxins out, like heavy metals from skin and other body parts

– Unclogs and shrinks pores, oxygenates the cells by drawing out impurities and oil clogs

– Reduces inflammation and helps calm skin.

– We can use rehydrated clay as a daily cleanser, on face, hands, even on hair! If you don’t like or can’t use soap, clay is an excellent substitute.

And remember- Clays are NOT just for women. men can benefit from their use too, especially for absorbing excess sebum and shrinking pores. Who says clay facials aren’t manly?? Be sure to rinse well and follow up with a quality skin serum or moisturizer! We recommend our Skin & Hair Serum for its purity.

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